
Viget Blog

How We’ve Avoided UX Disillusionment

How and why I rechartered Viget’s UX Design team as UX Strategy to adapt to a changing industry.

Smashing Magazine

User Memory Design: How To Design For Experiences That Last

Understanding the difference between experience and memory — and the ways they are related — can make us more sophisticated experience designers.

Viget Blog

Design Ethics and the Limits of the Ethical Designer

In our discussions of design ethics, where do designers really fit in?

Viget Blog

Should You Use a Custom Scroll Indicator? A Study with Eye-Tracking

What effect do custom scroll indicators have on users' reading behavior?

Viget Blog

The Three Basic Questions Behind Every Content Strategy

Who is your target audience? What do you want them to do? What do they need to understand and feel to do it?

Viget Blog

Are Hollow Icons Really Harder to Recognize Than Solid Icons? A Research Study

Data from over 1,000 test participants paint a nuanced picture about the effect of icon style on usability.

Viget Blog

Speaking the Same Language About Research

What exactly are we talking about when we talk about research?

Viget Blog

Refreshing Search: Testing Search Box Variations

The most universally recognized icon for search isn’t a magnifying glass, it’s a wide rectangular box.